Criminal Investigations
R7 can assist the Police Department or attorney with your criminal investigation and protect your interests. We will ensure that all investigative measures are initiated and all investigative avenues are explored. If you are the subject of a police investigation, we can provide you with information to assist in your defense.
Clients have expressed concern that once a police agency had reached a decision not to proceed with an investigation, that was that. Although we certainly strive to maintain a strong working relationship with law enforcement agencies, there are many instances in which manpower is a police agency issue. However, there are alternatives available.
Upon the client’s request, all police reports will be reviewed and if necessary, personal interviews will be conducted with witnesses and victims in any criminal case. Any discrepancies in handwritten statements taken from victims or witnesses not noted in police reports would be documented and turned over to the original investigating agency. This would also be the case in the discovery of newly identified witnesses. Any items of evidentiary value located during the scope of our investigation would be photographed and the investigating agency would be notified immediately.
At the conclusion of the investigation, the client will be provided with detailed written reports to be utilized for criminal proceedings. As with any of our investigative services offered, the client’s confidentiality is always assured.
As with any investigative service that we offer, we are always available to testify in a court of law as to the results of the investigation conducted.